

The results that can be obtained with the SMART-OPS monitoring are described in detail in several scientific papers and academic dissertations. Here are presented only general results from each of the sensors installed in an MSS, in this case during its operation in Germany between June 2020 and May 2021.


The anemometers supplied information about the wind speed and direction with a sampling frequency up to 25Hz. Below, it is presented the wind speed and wind direction based on the data collected at the MSS during its operation.

Results Anemometers

Strain Gauges

The strain gauges installed in the MSS were parameterized for a sampling frequency of 1 sample per minute, since the goal was to monitor the steady tendency of stress evolution in the MSS and not short-term stress variations. Below an example of strain variation based on real data from the MSS. The results are in well correlated with the estimates from the MSS numerical model.

Results StrainGauges


The triaxial accelerometers installed in the MSS provided relevant data for the application of modal identification algorithms. This procedure permitted a successful automatic tracking of the MSS’s modal parameters. Below, it is presented the identification with the frequency domain decomposition method (the background pattern) and with de SSI-Cov method (the red points). Both results are consistent with each other and with the numerical model of the MSS.

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